Global Art Group Hole in The Air

André Maleval

Artist Statement

« Shadows, dried flowers and small mechanical parts too… »
In the apartment, the kitchen benefits from direct light for two hours during the day. It’s not all year round, around mid-winter and early spring when the sun passes at a specific height. This is only possible at this time, between 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

tasse et coquelicot 1
tasse et coquelicot

On these surfaces, various objects were placed, according to various orders and in a random manner. Electrical insulators, wrapping paper, steel wool, dry leaves, vases, glasses, shadows and their reflections… In this clarity, they lose part of their identity and recreate themselves, according to games geometric or other.
The kitchen and its luminous “tables” therefore allow you to work on images, almost every day. The six photographs exhibited by the Abla Ababou gallery could come out of a sketchbook. They provide working hypotheses. Failing to go far away (jebel, American deserts, mountains, etc.), they draw sketches for future framing, contrasts and transparencies. In fact, the table and the top of the fridge can be seen as experiments, an impressionist “laboratory”, with light circulating on the sensitive film of wood and plastic.

André-r Maleval is born in 1958, to French and Tunisian parents.
Classical studies, “Oriental Languages” university. Bachelor of journalism.
Worked since 1985 in the written press (Belgium, France, Central Africa).
Started photographic work at the end of the 70s. Series on industrial remains and colonial greenhouses of the 19th century (Laeken, England, Lyon).


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