Hole In The Air
Creators in search of radical connection
Main Menu
About Us
HITA – the Hymn
Lynette Charters
Susan Christensen
Kathleen Claps
Aleksandar Djordjevic
Luke Dohner
Saundra Fleming
Andrea Harborth
Courtney Hudak
Matthew Kopp
André Maleval
Alexis Ortiz
Cliffton Peacock
Ingrid Sojit
1. Chocolate Challenge
2. Illustration Challenge
3. Ambidexterity Challenge
4. Sign-Seeing Challenge
5. Dylan’s Lyrics Challenge
6. Equxisite Corpse
7. Things that keep you…
8. Mimicry Challenge
9. Two-Things Challenge
10. What is Art for?
Art Blurbs
Hita’s First Catalogue
HITA Does Berlin
Negative Capability: The Artist as Healer
Impressions and Preparations
Panel Discussion
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